AnnAngela-dbot讨论 | 贡献2024年8月20日 (二) 11:53的版本 (代码变动:ca51de0f - auto: regenerated polyfill files by generatePolyfill by github-actions[bot])
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  • Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R
  • Google Chrome:Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R
  • Internet Explorer:按住Ctrl的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5
  • Opera:前往菜单 → 设置(Mac为Opera → Preferences),然后隐私和安全 → 清除浏览数据 → 缓存的图片和文件
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
var _addText = '{{GHIACode|page=GHIA:MoegirlPediaInterfaceCodes/blob/master/src/gadgets/libPolyfill/|user=github-actions[bot]|co-authors=|longId=ca51de0ff2b6915fc151654d5161f56593e28ceb|shortId=ca51de0f|summary=auto: regenerated polyfill files by generatePolyfill}}'; 

/* <pre> */

"use strict";
(function () {
    if (!("at" in Array.prototype)) {
        if (!("defineProperty" in Object && function () {
            try {
                var e = {};
                return Object.defineProperty(e, "test", { value: 42 }), !0;
            catch (t) {
                return !1;
        }())) {
            (function (nativeDefineProperty) {
                var supportsAccessors =, '__defineGetter__');
                var ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Getters & setters cannot be defined on this javascript engine';
                var ERR_VALUE_ACCESSORS = 'A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value';
                Object.defineProperty = function defineProperty(object, property, descriptor) {
                    if (nativeDefineProperty && (object === window || object === document || object === Element.prototype || object instanceof Element)) {
                        return nativeDefineProperty(object, property, descriptor);
                    if (object === null || !(object instanceof Object || typeof object === 'object')) {
                        throw new TypeError('Object.defineProperty called on non-object');
                    if (!(descriptor instanceof Object)) {
                        throw new TypeError('Property description must be an object');
                    var propertyString = String(property);
                    var hasValueOrWritable = 'value' in descriptor || 'writable' in descriptor;
                    var getterType = 'get' in descriptor && typeof descriptor.get;
                    var setterType = 'set' in descriptor && typeof descriptor.set;
                    if (getterType) {
                        if (getterType === undefined) {
                            return object;
                        if (getterType !== 'function') {
                            throw new TypeError('Getter must be a function');
                        if (!supportsAccessors) {
                            throw new TypeError(ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED);
                        if (hasValueOrWritable) {
                            throw new TypeError(ERR_VALUE_ACCESSORS);
              , propertyString, descriptor.get);
                    else {
                        object[propertyString] = descriptor.value;
                    if (setterType) {
                        if (setterType === undefined) {
                            return object;
                        if (setterType !== 'function') {
                            throw new TypeError('Setter must be a function');
                        if (!supportsAccessors) {
                            throw new TypeError(ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED);
                        if (hasValueOrWritable) {
                            throw new TypeError(ERR_VALUE_ACCESSORS);
              , propertyString, descriptor.set);
                    if ('value' in descriptor) {
                        object[propertyString] = descriptor.value;
                    return object;
        function CreateMethodProperty(O, P, V) {
            var newDesc = {
                value: V,
                writable: true,
                enumerable: false,
                configurable: true
            Object.defineProperty(O, P, newDesc);
        function Get(O, P) {
            return O[P];
        function Type(x) {
            switch (typeof x) {
                case 'undefined':
                    return 'undefined';
                case 'boolean':
                    return 'boolean';
                case 'number':
                    return 'number';
                case 'string':
                    return 'string';
                case 'symbol':
                    return 'symbol';
                    if (x === null)
                        return 'null';
                    if ('Symbol' in self && (x instanceof self.Symbol || x.constructor === self.Symbol))
                        return 'symbol';
                    return 'object';
        function ToInteger(argument) {
            if (Type(argument) === 'symbol') {
                throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number');
            var number = Number(argument);
            if (isNaN(number)) {
                return 0;
            if (1 / number === Infinity || 1 / number === -Infinity || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
                return number;
            return ((number < 0) ? -1 : 1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
        function ToLength(argument) {
            var len = ToInteger(argument);
            if (len <= 0) {
                return 0;
            return Math.min(len, Math.pow(2, 53) - 1);
        function LengthOfArrayLike(obj) {
            return ToLength(Get(obj, 'length'));
        function ToNumber(argument) {
            return Number(argument);
        function ToIntegerOrInfinity(argument) {
            var number = ToNumber(argument);
            if (isNaN(number) || number === 0 || 1 / number === -Infinity)
                return 0;
            if (number === Infinity)
                return Infinity;
            if (number === -Infinity)
                return -Infinity;
            var integer = Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
            if (number < 0)
                integer = -integer;
            return integer;
        function ToObject(argument) {
            if (argument === null || argument === undefined) {
                throw TypeError();
            return Object(argument);
        function Call(F, V) {
            var argumentsList = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : [];
            if (IsCallable(F) === false) {
                throw new TypeError( + 'is not a function.');
            return F.apply(V, argumentsList);
        function GetV(v, p) {
            var o = ToObject(v);
            return o[p];
        function IsCallable(argument) {
            return typeof argument === 'function';
        function GetMethod(V, P) {
            var func = GetV(V, P);
            if (func === null || func === undefined) {
                return undefined;
            if (IsCallable(func) === false) {
                throw new TypeError('Method not callable: ' + P);
            return func;
        function OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint) {
            if (hint === 'string') {
                var methodNames = ['toString', 'valueOf'];
            else {
                methodNames = ['valueOf', 'toString'];
            for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; ++i) {
                var name = methodNames[i];
                var method = Get(O, name);
                if (IsCallable(method)) {
                    var result = Call(method, O);
                    if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
                        return result;
            throw new TypeError('Cannot convert to primitive.');
        function ToPrimitive(input) {
            var PreferredType = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
            if (Type(input) === 'object') {
                if (arguments.length < 2) {
                    var hint = 'default';
                else if (PreferredType === String) {
                    hint = 'string';
                else if (PreferredType === Number) {
                    hint = 'number';
                var exoticToPrim = typeof self.Symbol === 'function' && typeof self.Symbol.toPrimitive === 'symbol' ? GetMethod(input, self.Symbol.toPrimitive) : undefined;
                if (exoticToPrim !== undefined) {
                    var result = Call(exoticToPrim, input, [hint]);
                    if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
                        return result;
                    throw new TypeError('Cannot convert exotic object to primitive.');
                if (hint === 'default') {
                    hint = 'number';
                return OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint);
            return input;
        function ToString(argument) {
            switch (Type(argument)) {
                case 'symbol':
                    throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string');
                case 'object':
                    var primValue = ToPrimitive(argument, String);
                    return ToString(primValue);
                    return String(argument);
        CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'at', function at(index) {
            var O = ToObject(this);
            var len = LengthOfArrayLike(O);
            var relativeIndex = ToIntegerOrInfinity(index);
            var k = relativeIndex >= 0 ? relativeIndex : len + relativeIndex;
            if (k < 0 || k >= len)
                return undefined;
            return Get(O, ToString(k));

/* </pre> */